Frank Cuypers held a speech in front of the Danish Actuarial Society last week on the use of artificial intelligence in the actuarial practice. He used the example of Individual claims development with neural networks to illustrate the topic. 140 members of the Danish Actuarial Society were present when he gave the lecture during one hour in Hellerup, Denmark. The lecture met with great interest.
Download the full presentation here.
About Frank Cuypers
Frank Cuypers is a nuclear engineer with a M.Sc. in nuclear physics and a Ph.D. in theoretical physics. He comes with a vast lecturing experience and a prominent scientific track record in modeling complex systems. He furthermore has a wide experience in most actuarial disciplines and lines of business. He chairs Prime Re Solutions' Board of Directors.
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Finally a lucid presentation (yet using power point...:) about the future. At least there is one trustworthy Actuary (Frank) who makes credible projections!
Thank you so much Frank for your relentless search for truth.