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Prime Re Academy – Find the list of our past workshops. By clicking on the workshops you will have access to the testimonials from participants.

This workshop focuses on insurance and financial risks. It enables participants to model important economic variables, whose stochastic scenarios they can later implement in their daily practice. Click on the box to view testimonials.

 Testmonials for the Prime Re Academy workshop Economic Scenario Generators

This workshop focuses on dependencies. This is particularly relevant in the context of modern risk based solvency and capital schemes, such as the Swiss Solvency Test, Solvency II or the ORSA. Click on the box to view testimonials.

 Testmonials for the Prime Re Academy workshop Modelling Dependencies

The workshop focuses on learning or refreshing some actuarial techniques used in the insurance and in the financial industry and their implementation in Excel® and/or VBA. Click on the box to view testimonials.

Testmonials for the Prime Re Academy workshop Actuarial Engineering

This workshop focuses on teaching the theoretical knowledge to understand the main reinsurance programs and support functions, and it enables to put this know-how into practice via hands-on exercises in Excel®. Click on the box to view testimonials.

Testmonials for the Prime Re Academy workshop Reinsurance Underwriting

This workshop focuses on teaching the theoretical knowledge needed to price and structure reinsurance programs, and it enables participants to put this acquired know-how into practice on the spot. Click on the box to view testimonials.

Testmonials for the Prime Re Academy workshop Reinsurance Pricing and Structuring

This workshop focuses on offering an in-depth overview of the standard framework. The workshop focuses on the Swiss Solvency Test (SST) and reviews all the modules of the FINMA template. Click on the box to view testimonials from participants.

Testmonials for the Prime Re Academy workshop The Standard Model of the Swiss Solvency Test

This workshop focuses on familiarizing the participants with the tools they need to implement risk, capital and solvency models, and it enables them to put this acquired know-how into practice on the spot. Click on the box to view testimonials from participants.

Testmonials for the Prime Re Academy workshop Risk, Capital and Solvency Models - an ORSA Perspective

This workshop focuses on providing an in-depth overview of the standard framework. It addresses the underlying theory and concepts as well as its practical implementations with Excel® templates. Only to be attended in combination with "Risk, Capital and Solvency Models".

Testmonials for the Prime Re Academy workshop The Standard Formula of Solvency II

The workshop participants will learn various ways to enable management and regulators to gain confidence in the quality of models. The following is a list of the subjects that will be treated during the workshop: calibration of the risk models, actual versus expected, testing the forecast of distribution, etc.

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